DNSMadeEasy DDNS update script

Controlled update of DDNS

  • Author: Martin Oehy
  • Date: 2010 04 11
  • Desription: this Script replaces the executable provided by DNSMade Easy. So you can track changes of your DHCP provider.
  • Parameter: Change your ID’s, Name , Password and Log Location and run it
'Author: Martin Oehy
'Zweck:  Kontrolliertes Update des DDNS bei DNSMadeEasy
'Info: IE6: Advanced: allow paste operations via script -> muss im IE disabled
'      IE7: Security: Scripting: allow programmatic Clipbord access 
Option Explicit
Dim g_oFso
Dim g_oShell
Set g_oFso 			= WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set g_oShell			= WScript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Const vbAnf = """"
Dim strOldIP, strNewIP, strIP
Dim strLogFile
Dim StrInputFile
Dim StrError
Dim arrAccounts, strAccounts,  strAccount, strDDNSUSername, strDDNSPw
dim strLogFolder, strChangeFile , strIncludeFile
dim objIE
strLogFolder	= "C:\AppData\Scripts\"
if not g_oFso.folderexists(strLogFolder) Then
	strLogFolder = g_oShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%temp%") & "\"
End If
strLogFile 	= strLogFolder & "DNSUpdate.log"
strChangeFile 	= strLogFolder & "DNSUpdateChange.log"
strIncludeFile 	= strLogFolder & "DNSUpdate.inc"
strOldIP	= ""
strAccounts 	= "1111111;2222222" 	' The numbers of your Accounts by DNSMadeEasy separated by ;
strDDNSUSername	= "aaaaa"		' Logon Name at DDNS
strDDNSPw	= "Password"		' Passwort by DDNS
if g_oFso.fileexists(strIncludeFile) then	' Letzte IP einlesen
	include strIncludeFile
end if
Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
objIE.ToolBar        = False
objIE.Resizable      = False
objIE.StatusBar      = False
objIE.Width          = 300
objIE.Height         = 180
objIE.Navigate("www.dnsmadeeasy.com/myip.jsp")	' Get IP
Loop Until Not objIE.busy
'objIE.Visible = True
objIE.Document.execcommand "SelectAll"
objIE.Document.execcommand "Copy"
strIP = objIE.document.parentwindow.clipboardData.GetData("text")
set ObjIE = Nothing
strNewIP = ltrim(rTrim(strIP))
fuQuicklog01 strIncludeFile,"C","strOldIP=" & vbanf & strNewIP & vbAnf
'msgbox "Old:" &strOldIP & vbCRLF & "New:" &strNewIP
If strNewIP <> strOldIP Then	' test ob die IP geändert hat
	FuQuicklog01 strLogFile ,"A",now() & vbTab &  "Warning: IP Change to " & strNewIP
	FuQuicklog01 strChangeFile ,"A",now() & vbTab &  "Warning: IP  Change to " & strNewIP
	arrAccounts = split(strAccounts,";")
	For Each strAccount in arrAccounts	' einen Account nach dem anderen Aktualisieren
		Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
		objIE.Navigate("www.dnsmadeeasy.com/servlet/updateip?username=" & strDDNSUSername & "&password=" & strDDNSPw & "&id=" & strAccount & "&ip=" & strNewIP)
		Loop Until Not objIE.busy
		'objIE.Visible = True
		objIE.Document.execcommand "SelectAll"
		objIE.Document.execcommand "Copy"
		strError 	= objIE.document.parentwindow.clipboardData.GetData("text")
		'msgbox "Wait"
		Set objIE = Nothing
		FuQuicklog01 strLogFile,"A",now() & vbTab &  strAccount &"  ReturnCode :" & strError
	FuQuicklog01 strLogFile,"A",now() & vbTab &  "Info:   IP Not Changed " & strNewIP
End If 
Public Function fuQuickLog01( ByVal strFileFQN, ByVal strMode, ByVal strTextline )
	' Author: 2008-07-22 Martin Oehy
	' Beschreibung: Erstellt oder erweitert ein Logfile mit einer Zeile
	' Parameter:
	'	strFileFQN 	: z.B c:\temp\logfile.txt
	'	strMode	: C für Create oder A für Append
	'	strTextLine: Text der gelogt werden soll
	' Return: -1 für Fehler
	'On Error Resume next
	Dim foFSO
	Dim foLogfile
	Const Forappending = 8
	Set foFSO=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	If UCase(strMode) = "C" Or Not foFSO.FileExists(strFileFQN) Then ' new or not existing
		set foLogfile = foFSO.CreateTextFile(strFileFQN,True)
		If Err.Number > 0 Then
			fuQuickLog01	= "1 " & Err.Description
			Exit Function
		End If
		Set foLogFile = foFSO.OpenTextFile(strFileFQN, ForAppending)
		If Err.Number > 0 Then
			fuQuickLog01	= "1 " & Err.Description
			Exit Function
		End If
	End If
	foLogFile.WriteLine strTextLine
	Set foLogFile 	= Nothing
	Set foFSO 		= Nothing
	fuQuickLog01 		= 0
End Function
Public Function Include(sInstFile)
	' Author OM 2008-09-02 OM
	' Include a VB with Public arguments
	' Example Include File:
	'		Public strText
	'		strText = "This is a Message"
	' For non public rewrite the SUB as Sub
	On Error Resume Next
	Dim foFSO, f, s
	Set foFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	If foFSO.FileExists(sInstFile) Then
		Set f = foFSO.OpenTextFile(sInstFile)
		s = f.ReadAll
		ExecuteGlobal s
	End If
	Set foFSO = Nothing
	Set f = Nothing
End Function
  • Keywords: VBScript DDNS DNSMadeEasy
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