Tag Archives: vbscript

Scom SQL 2012 Discovery Managment Pack error . Variable not defined

Problem: Alert: message is Variable not defined ‘EVENT_TYPE_ERROR’ C:\Program Files\Microsoft Monitoring Agent\Agent\Health Service State\Monitoring Host Temporary Files 104\4529\SQLAgentJobDiscovery.vbs(293, 9) Microsoft VBScript runtime error: Variable is undefined: ‘EVENT_TYPE_ERROR’ Reason: The variable is really not defined inside the management pack and Option … Continue reading

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Export Hyper-V configuration

Code Details option explicit   dim objWMIService dim managementService dim fileSystem   const JobStarting = 3 const JobRunning = 4 const JobCompleted = 7 const wmiStarted = 4096 const wmiSuccessful = 0   Main()   ‘—————————————————————– ‘ Main ‘—————————————————————– Sub … Continue reading

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Import Hyper-V Configuration

Code Description Author: http://blogs.technet.com/virtualization/archive/2009/05/29/hyper-v-r2-import-export-part-6-so-what-happened-to-configuration-only-export.aspx Date: Desription: Just pasted here for easy access to the vbscript Example: option explicit   dim objWMIService dim managementService dim switchService dim fileSystem   const JobStarting = 3 const JobRunning = 4 const JobCompleted = 7 … Continue reading

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DNSMadeEasy DDNS update script

Controlled update of DDNS Author: Martin Oehy Date: 2010 04 11 Desription: this Script replaces the executable provided by DNSMade Easy. So you can track changes of your DHCP provider. Parameter: Change your ID’s, Name , Password and Log Location … Continue reading

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Random complex password

Use the following function to create a complex password. There are 4 tables with different characters used to create the password. To have at least one char from each table the password must be at least 4 char long.

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Ping host

Ping a host and get true or false returned

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