Category Archives: Information Technology

Kill all but own powershell process

use the following command within powershell to terminate all but your one shell. get-process | where {$ -like “powershell” -and $_.ID  -notlike “$pid”} | stop-process

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Install Telnet Client using command line

dism /online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:TelnetClient

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Find existing UPN in Forest

A userPrincipalName (UPN) must be unique in a Active Directory Forest. To check for an existing UPN use the following lines. The powershell script expects that all DC’s within the Root Domain are GC enabled . $RootDomain = "" $DomainControllerRoot … Continue reading

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Force replication on all domain controller of a domain

The following line searches for all Domain Controllers of a Domain . Then it filters some Computers by IP (10.10.10.*) to eliminate RODCs and finally forces replication on each remaining Domain Controller. $Domain = "" Get-ADDomainController -Filter * -server $Domain … Continue reading

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List disk drives into an array

This Powershell script ist playing with an “athook” object based on an array having different named properties . $Array = @() Foreach ($vol In GET-WMIOBJECT win32_logicaldisk)  {  $obj = New-Object PSObject  $Value = $vol.DeviceID  $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Drive" -value … Continue reading

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Get Domain from distinguished Name

Get Domain from FQDN: get-domfqdn “CN=Test,OU=Orgunit,DC=contoso,DC=test” will result in contoso.test function get-domfqdn ($fqdn)  {  $afqdn= $fqdn.split(",")  $first = 0  $Dom=""  foreach ($pfqdn in $afqdn)   {   If ($pfqdn.contains("DC=") -eq $true)    {    If ($first -eq 1)     {            $Dom = $Dom+"."     } … Continue reading

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What ADDS Site

To find out in what ADDS site a computer is running use the following  command nltest [/server:<remote computer name>] /dsgetsite

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