Tag Archives: Window 7

File open – Security Warning

Problem Starting an application shows a popup with a question whether to start the file or not as the source oft the file is Internet. The file itself is located on a server defined as safe place within the organization. … Continue reading

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move user homes to an other drive using a link

If you don’t like to have your homes on C: . Boot your computer using your installation CD and change to a command line prompt. Check where your drives are now. For this example lets say boot disk C: is on … Continue reading

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Cleanup windows 7 disk

To cleanup a disk and remove unused programs start cleanmgr.exe. This small program scans your disk and gives you a choice of items to select from like temporary files, servicepack sources etc.

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How to fix: Code 39 cdrom error

If you get an error code 39 from your cdrom drive and uninstallling the driver dos not help to fix it do the following. open regedit search the key [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}] remove all items called: UpperFilters LowerFilters UpperFilters.bak LowerFilters.bak Reboot your … Continue reading

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USB bootable with Diskpart

DISKPART> list disk Disk ### Status Size Free Dyn Gpt ——– ———- ——- ——- — — Disk 0 Online 279 GB 88 GB Disk 1 Online 190 GB 5780 KB Disk 2 Online 233 GB 673 KB * Disk 3 … Continue reading

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Unsigned Drivers Windows 7 64Bit

Windows 7 64Bit is blocking the installation of unsigned drivers. A workaround is this: bcdedit /set testsigning no Source: Online PC 2010-01

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Context Menu edit – right click Menu – Windows 7

To add a program to your context menu do the following in Regedit 1. Create a new Key in HKCR\Directory\Background\shell named your new Menuitem 2. Create a new Key underneath called command. 3. Edit the “Default” entry and enter the … Continue reading

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