IPv4 Compatible Address

IPv4 Mapped Address (0:0:0:0..)

The following address would be encapsulated in IPv4 and sent o the destination using IPv4 0:0:0:0:0:0:W:X:Y:Z W:X:Y:Z = IPv4

Teredo (2001:0:…)

2001:0:TTTT:TTTT:FFFF:UUUU:IIII:IIII 2001:0: = Teredo Prefix T = Teredo Server IP F = Flag U = UDP Port I = Host IP XOR converted To get the contained Host IP

1. Xor the IP Part
0123456789ABCDEF     Hex in Teredo Number
FEDCBA9876543210      Xor Result
F5 FF:9B FE  = IP in Teredo string
0A 00:64 01  = converted XOR in HEX   = IP Number Dezimal
F5.. .... = 10...
53.. .... = 172...
3F57 .... = 192.168..
5601 .... = 169.254..


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