Windows Image Restore Failed


I wanted to create a clone disk as desaster restore for my Netbook


  1. I made a Windows Image Backup
  2. Then created a Restore CD with an external CD Drive.
  3. As I dont like to restore from CD, I copied the content of the Restore-CD to a bootable USB-Stick.

Create Clone with Error

  1. I connected my external USB-Disk containing the previous created Windows Image Backup,
  2. Then I installed a new disk into my eee Netbook
  3. Now I pluged my USB-Stick in, acting as Restore-CD .
  4. Booting from USB-stick was a matter of configuring boot priorities in System Setup.
  5. After selecting my keyboard layout the restore GUI opened
  6. Selecting a Systemimage Restore showed the just created Systemimage. Fine
  7. I selected the new installad disk and started the restore
  8. But now an Error claimed that the Partition can not be restored and ended the whole action.


Don’t connect your external USB disk at startup

  1. Add your new interal disk and plug in your USB-Stick acting as Recovery CD
  2. Setup your BIOS to boot from your USB-Stick
  3. Boot your Netbook from Recovery USB-Stick
  4. Select your keyboard layout and proceed until you have to select to restore an image
  5. NOW connect your external USB-Disk containing the Windows Image Backup
  6. Select the Image to restore
  7. And restore it…..
  8. Boot from you clone disk. Done

It looks like the restore program somehow mixes up the two disks if they are connected from beginning on.

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