Category Archives: Fix IT

How to fix stuff

Set processor affinity for scom agent

Problem SCOM agent tasks are consuming 100% processor time causing a slow reaction time on servers. Solution Force SCOM agent processes to run on one CPU-core so other tasks get processor time. To achieve this add a scheduled task running … Continue reading

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Revoke certificate from Microsoft PKI

This solution is based on powershell module PSPKI . Here is a link to download it : Open Poweshell and run the following commands Import-Module PSPKI $sCAServer = "<FQDN of your CA Server" # read certificates into a variable … Continue reading

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Enable access to a file system share using dns alias

Out of the box Windows is not allowing access to a file system share exept using the server name. Example  \\Server\share or \\\share To access a share using a dns alias do the  following. create a dns alias pointing to … Continue reading

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Synology phpMyAdmin update is ending in page error

Problem phpMyAdmin is not starting. You get a webpage displaying the following error in red color. The mysqli extension is missing. Please check your PHP configuration. Solution: Open “Web Station” GUI from the main menu of your NAS. Then proceed … Continue reading

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Change WordPress file rights on Synology

If you copied a wordpress file structure to your NAS you possible endup in wrong file rights. Open Telnet session and change to superuser modeĀ . After that, change owner and rights so WordPress is working without errors. su sudo cd … Continue reading

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Permalink dos not change in WordPress

I changed to a new Synology NAS from DSM 5.2 to 6.1. After migrating my WordPress site Permalinks worked only in default mode. On my old NAS i used to have something like “/2013/10/file-open-security-warning/”  . Problem: The permalink update is not running … Continue reading

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Cleanup winsxs folder

Do not delete files manually from winsxs folder . Instead use the following command to remove old servicepack files. dism.exe /online /cleanup-Image /spsuperseded

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