Category Archives: Information Technology

TempDB SQL 2012 splitting

Open SQL Management Studio.Disconnect all server connections.Leave GUI open as we need the Query Analizer stop all SQL services open services by running service.msc open properties of the sql instance and copy the sql executing pathC:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.SQL1\MSSQL\Binn\sqlservr.exe -c … Continue reading

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SCOM Domain Controller greyed out

Possible problems are: 1. HSLockdown has SYSTEM in denied list. – run : HSlockdown <ManagementGroupName> /R “NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM” 2. Operations Manager Event log shows Error  Source: Health Service Script  Event ID: 10  Message: AD MP DC Local Discovery : Active … Continue reading

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Certificate default 2 years valid

Problem: Microsoft CA is set by default to maximum 2 years certificate validity . So you can’t create a template with  a certificate valid more then 2 years, However, i needed a certificate wirh 10 years . Solution: To extend this for your own CA , … Continue reading

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CKEditor changes Vbscript code

Problem: After installing CKEditor Pluging, all my vbscript code displayed by WP-CodeBox  in my Posts showed up with converted & and > or <. One time editing was enough to change the code. Information: WP-CodeBox is working with a <pre> and </pre> … Continue reading

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IPv4 special ranges

Private IP APIPA Multicasting Local Host

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IPv6 Construct

Build from 8x four-digit HEX number 1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:8888 2^128 Numbers 54'525'952 Numbers / m2 earth surface. As they are split in ranges for different purpose the real number is much less.

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IPv6 Unicast Addresses

Global 001 T TTTTT TTTTT TTTTT : RRRR RRRR NNNN NNNN : NNNN -NNNN : SSSS – SSSS : IIII – : : : – IIII 001 = FP T = TLA ID R = Reserve N = NLA ID … Continue reading

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