Category Archives: Information Technology

ADDS Dump thumbnailPhoto to JPG file

Use this command line in Powershell to save a users thumbnailPhoto to a file. First start a Powershell session with Active Directory Modules loaded, then: get-aduser “sAMAccountname” -server “FQDN Domain Controller”-properties thumbnailPhoto | select -expandproperty thumbnailphoto | set-content -path “JPG … Continue reading

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Clear Protected from accidental deletion flag

Windows Active Directory protects per default Organizational Units (OU) from accidential deletion . To clear this flag for an entire OU structure you can use this Powershell commands . This example command will remove the flag from an OU structure … Continue reading

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synology config ddns with dnsmadeeasy

DSM 6.x Open Control panel , change to “external access” and “DDNS” press Customize Enter a name for DDNS Enter the following string as URL and safe the provider: Now press “add” and fill in all parameters. The Hostname  … Continue reading

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AGPM error 80070005

Problem: While saving changes in AGPM (Advanced Group Policy Management) you get errors like Failed to write production GPO permissions for this domain.The following error occurred:Access to the path ‘D:\AGPM\Archive\gpostate.xml’ is denied.System.UnauthorizedAccessException (80070005) Reason: The error is not generated by … Continue reading

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SCOM Exchange Managment Pack Error ‘Count’

Problem: Scom error from Exchange 2010 Managementpack , can’t create System.PropertyBagData pointing to HotFixValidation.vbs C:\Program Files\Microsoft Monitoring Agent\Agent\Health Service State\Monitoring Host Temporary Files 284\5106\HotFixValidation.vbs(117, 10) Microsoft VBScript runtime error: Subscript out of range: ‘count’ Reason: The script is only checking … Continue reading

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NTP Settings for Switzerland

For Switzerland use one of the NTP pool servers as listed under To configure your Windows system to get the time and act as a time server run following commands using one of the listed timeservers. There is no … Continue reading

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SQL DB Splitten – aktive DB

First get some information from your  SQL Server and DB. Current Situation There is one file for Data and one file for Logs. Create a Backup of your DB Don’t work without backup. Create new Files The new Files have … Continue reading

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